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Tivi's avatar
Woofgh awaa
Paypal linked above!
Home: Welcome
Starting prices
Hello! I make silly dogs!!(pretend they're a dog)
and if you're here you're probably interested in em!
Base retexture: 60$ (depends on complexity / if theres an spp file)
New assets: 15$ altogehter (may cost more if you make me do a lot)
Asset custom textures: 10$ altogether
Custom expressions/toggles:10$
Proportion edits: 50$ (this takes time, but i can make jank jiggle physics/squish bones if youd like!!)
Quest avatar(Right), and goloco included!
this is all very negotiable, because I understand budgets, but this is currently my only form of income, so do keep it in mind!<3

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